function popup(t,w,h) { var target = t; //----> Fenster Zentrieren toppos = Math.round((screen.height-h)/2); leftpos = Math.round((screen.width-w)/2); //----> Fenster Aufrufen var paras = "screenx=0,screeny=0,top="+ toppos +",left="+ leftpos +",dependent=yes,toolbar=no,width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=no";,"PopupStart",paras); //----> Fensterfocus setzten winInfo.focus(); }; function checker(dname) { if ( $('#' + dname).is(':checked')) { $('#' + dname).prop('checked',false); } else { $('#' + dname).prop('checked',true); } } $(document).ready(function() { $("").fancybox({ nextEffect : 'none', prevEffect : 'none', openSpeed : 'fast', closeSpeed : 'fast', openOpacity : false, closeOpacity: false, mouseWheel : true, arrows : true, overlay : { speedIn : 0, speedOut: 300, opacity : 0.8, css : { cursor: 'pointer', 'background-color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)' } }, helpers : { title : { type : 'inside' } } }); $('#slider').rhinoslider({ effectTime: 300, showTime: 5000, controlsPrevNext: false, controlsPlayPause: false, animateActive: false, autoPlay: true, showBullets: 'never', showControls: 'never', randomOrder: true }); (function($) { if (!$) { window.console && console.log("Checkbox Replacement: jQuery not found"); return; } // Replace the checkboxes // source: $(function() { function changeHandler() { var obj = $(this), isChecked =":checked"); // IE runs this handler more than once per click, so we need to explicitly // set the classes instead of toggling them obj. prev(). addClass(isChecked ? "checkboxChecked" : "checkboxUnchecked"). removeClass(isChecked ? "checkboxUnchecked" : "checkboxChecked"); } var checkboxes = $(":checkbox").not(".checkboxReplaced").addClass("checkboxReplaced").each(function() { var obj = $(this); obj.before( $(document.createElement("span")). addClass("checkbox checkboxBlurred " + (":checked") ? "checkboxChecked" : "checkboxUnchecked")). click(function() { if (":checked")) { obj.removeAttr("checked"); } else { obj.attr("checked", "checked"); } obj.focus(); changeHandler.apply(obj); })); }). change(changeHandler). blur(function() { // The blur and focus handlers simply toggled the classes before IE... Now // they are broken into two separate handlers to avoid race conditions. $(this).prev().removeClass("checkboxFocused").addClass("checkboxBlurred"); }). focus(function() { $(this).prev().removeClass("checkboxBlurred").addClass("checkboxFocused"); }); }); })(window.jQuery); });